We have many ambitious plans for the future of the Bulls and Apes Project ecosystem, but let’s talk about what we’ve done already.
We created a comprehensive digital ecosystem connected by our in-universe $METH (ERC 20) token and it has been live since the day we minted! With the goal of adding value to your NFTs and enhancing your experience, we've designed the Bulls and Apes Project (B.A.P.) as a tokenized game with numerous strategies and outcomes available to every player. Whether you’re a gamer approaching every move with passion and analysis, or you’re a passive player who loves to sit back and watch your Bulls earn on their own, we’ve got you covered - opportunities come in many forms at B.A.P!
Each bull you own produces Methane ($METH tokens). $METH has a variety of uses in our ecosystem. It can be used to mint new NFTs, including Incubators and God Bulls (which have both minted out) as well as Teen Bulls and Merger Orbs. It is used to open God Boxes to reveal God Bull Utilities and Loot Boxes to reveal new Ape Traits for our dynamic Ape collection.
On the following pages, you'll discover the ins and outs of the Bulls and Apes Project Gamification.
Genesis Bull
There will be 10,000 unique Bulls in the first collection. These bulls are special and have great utility. Every bull will have its own fantastic set of traits, some rarer than others. Bulls, along with tokens, will allow you to create Teen Bulls, which are required to summon God Bulls
Methane Token (METH)
After first minting, a bull needs to graze in a wallet for 30 days before you can collect METH tokens it produces. This 'graze period' only applies to the initial mint. Once you mint a bull, token generation begins. OG Bulls generate 20 METH per day. OG Bulls paired with an Ape generate 40 METH per day. (Please see FAQ for full token details.)
If you hold two bulls from the same guild, you can use 600 METH tokens to mint an Incubator. Incubators carry the baby bull in a dormant state, but using tech, you can generate a Teen Bull immediately by accelerating its growth. All bulls have a limited number of incubators they can create. (Update: Incubators have minted out and are only available on secondary)
Teen Bull
You can use Incubators to generate Teen Bulls. You can turn an Incubator into a Teen Bull by using 600 METH tokens. As with all teens, they are energetic, rambunctious, and unpredictable, so it's impossible to predict which guild they will be members of. Incubators can only be used once and are burnt after use. Teen Bulls have their traits and rarity and will be minted into their own collection. There will be a maximum of 12,500 Teen bulls in the collection, but via a deflationary process, while minting Merger Orbs and God Bulls, the final number will end up at 9,000 Teen Bulls.
Merger Orb
You can use 2400 METH tokens to transform a single Teen Bull into a ball of energy called a Merger Orb. Merger orbs are required to create God Bulls. There is a maximum of 1490 total Merger Orbs that can ever be minted in the collection.
God Bull
God Bulls are the rarest and most powerful creatures in B.A.P. Ecosystem and will generate 100 METH tokens per day. Only 500 will ever exist. To create a God Bull you must hold 4 Teen Bulls, all from different guilds, and a Merger Orb before you can summon a God Bull. You will need to use 4800 METH tokens to activate the Merger Orb. The four teens will merge with the Merger Orb and be transformed into a rare God Bull when the merger completes. The Merger Orb and four teens will be burnt and the 4800 METH will be deducted from your wallet. (Update: God Bulls have minted out and are only available on secondary)
God Bull Powers
God Bulls accumulate power based on their ranking, which is determined by TraitRanks. Holders can track power generation through our website. The highest ranked God Bull reaches 100% of its power in 15 days while the lowest ranked God Bull reaches 100% power level in 30 Days. The rest of the God Bulls reach their max power level anywhere between 15 to 30 days based on their TraitRanks rankings.

God Box
Once God Bulls reach 100% power level, they’re able to use that power to allocate 600 METH tokens to open the ‘God Box’. Opening the ‘God Box’ unleashes the randomly chosen God Bull Power. This is a separate NFT that can be used, sold on secondary, or traded. The God Bull Power will come in one of the following forms:
- Breed Replenishment NFT
- Teen Resurrection NFT
- METH Machine NFT
After you have claimed your God Bull Power, you can choose to reopen the God Box immediately to claim up to 3 additional God Bull Powers using an additional 1200, 1800, 2400 METH respectively. This opportunity will be available for only one minute after you claim your initial God Bull Power. After one minute, you will need to wait for the God Bull power to reach 100% again before being able to open the God Box. You may only claim an additional God Bull Power once after claiming the first God Bull Power. You have the option to claim an additional God Bull Power each time you open the God Box.

Breed Replenishment
Breed Replenishment God Bull Power NFT is of the same Guild as the God Bull opening the God Box. The Breed Replenishment can be sold or traded to other wallets. To use this God Bull Power, you do not require a God Bull in your wallet.
Using this power, you can replenish an OG bull with two, one, or zero breeds to a bull with all three breeds. This God Bull Power is guild specific and will only work on OG Bulls of the same guild.

Teen Resurrection
Teen Resurrection God Bull Power NFT is of the same Guild as the God Bull opening the God Box and you may sell or trade them to other wallets. This God Bull Power is the only power that requires the user to hold a God Bull of the same guild in their wallet at the time the God Bull Power is used.
Using this power, you can resurrect a sacrificed Teen from the Underworld. The resurrected Teen must belong to the same guild as the God Bull Power. In order to maintain balance in the BAP universe, you must exchange a teen of the same guild as the resurrected teen. Each newly resurrected Teen generates 5 METH tokens per day and this METH compounds daily; the same as the OG Bulls. This God Bull Power is guild specific and will only work on Teen Bulls of the same guild.

METH Machine
METH Machine Cosmic Power NFT is of the same Guild as the God Bull opening the God Box.
The METH Machine can be sold or traded to other wallets. This Cosmic Power does not
require you to use a God Bull.
When your God Bull opens the God Box, there’s a 10% chance that you will receive the METH Machine Cosmic Power. The METH Machine is guild specific and enables Teen Bulls of the same guild, held in the same wallet, to earn 5 methane tokens per day (every 24hrs) for each Teen Bull.
You must harvest the Teen Bull generated METH to the METH Bank daily as these tokens do not compound. You can claim your METH tokens from the Meth Bank and move them to your wallet at any time. You will incur gas fees when you move your METH tokens from the METH Bank to your wallet.
You must manually harvest METH tokens every 24 hours by going to the My Collection Page.
You can only claim tokens that have been harvested daily.
Where can I see how much power my God Bull has?
Does my God Bull’s rank have any correlation to the God Bull Power I get?
Are all the God Bull Powers NFTs?
Which Guilds do the God Bull Power NFTs belong to?
How do I Harvest METH tokens from the METH Machine?
Can I open the God Box twice whenever my God Bulls reach 100% power level?
How much power will God Bulls have when they get minted?
What happens to the recharged meth in my Meth Machine if I trade or sell it?
Will I lose any of my recharged meth in the Meth Machine if my teen drops a level?
Teen Bull METH Harvest
All Teen Bulls, except the Resurrected Teens or Teens currently under the influence of a Meth Machine, generate METH tokens daily. The number of tokens each Teen generates depends on the Teen Bull’s level. Each day, holders must harvest the METH Teens generate and transfer it to the METH Bank. The generated tokens do not accumulate.
Holders must visit the My Collection page daily at bullsandapesproject.com to harvest METH tokens. Once on this page, click Harvest all METH to initiate the transfer of your Teen-generated METH to the METH bank. Holders may complete this process only once per day.
Tokens are available for transfer to wallets at any time. Applicable gas fees apply to transfer transactions. Only METH harvested by the current holder is available for claim.

Teen Leveling Up
Each Teen Bull begins the harvesting process at Level 1 and generates one METH token daily. Holders should harvest the token each day. Once they complete the harvest process for seven (7) consecutive days, the Teen elevates to Level 2.

Once Teen Bulls reach Level 2, the harvesting process can repeat for the next seven (7) consecutive days. Following this second week of harvest, the Teen Bull levels up to Level 3, the maximum level.

When Teens graduate to the next level, they generate double the number of METH tokens from their previous level.
METH generation levels are as follows:
- Level 1 Teen - 1 METH token per day
- Level 2 Teen - 3 METH tokens per day
- Level 3 Teen - 5 METH tokens per day
Teens acquired on the secondary marketplace automatically reset harvesting and METH generation to Level 1. The new holder restarts the harvesting process as described above.
Teen Leveling Down
To maintain progress toward leveling up, holders must harvest METH tokens daily. If the harvest progress is interrupted, the level and progress of all the holder’s Teens regress to Level 1. The holder must complete the harvesting process to again rise to higher levels.
Note: The Bulls and Apes Project defines ‘day’ as 00:00 AM CST to 11:59 PM CST.

Consecutive Harvesting Rewards
For every period of 30 consecutive harvesting days, the holder is granted an additional 50 METH tokens as a reward. These tokens are deposited directly into the holder's wallet. Holders must have at least one Teen in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, Teens can be minted, sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single teen is maintained. There is no limit to this bonus and this bonus can be earned every 30 consecutive days.

Cumulative Harvesting Rewards
Holders who harvest Teen generated METH for a cumulative total of 30 days, (not necessarily consecutive), earn a bonus award of 50 METH tokens. Holders must have at least one Teen in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, Teens can be minted, sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single teen is maintained. This reward is a one-time incentive, and like the Consecutive Harvesting Reward, these tokens are added directly to the METH holder’s bank. Token distribution takes place on the 30th day of the harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I incur gas fees for harvesting METH each day?
Will I incur gas fees when I claim METH tokens from the METH bank?
What happens to the METH I’ve harvested if I sell my Teens?
What happens to Teen METH if I miss a harvest day?
Can I hold Teens of different levels in the same wallet?
What happens to a Teen’s Level if I transfer it from one wallet to another?
Are consecutive and cumulative METH rewards granted per Teen or wallet?
Am I eligible for cumulative and consecutive harvesting rewards if I harvest consecutively for 60 days?
When does the countdown clock timer start?
Bulls on the Block NFT METH Harvest
All BOTB NFT’s (OG Bull / EVO Bull / Bear) generate METH tokens daily. The number of tokens each NFT generates depends on the NFT’s level. Each day, holders must harvest the METH their NFT’s generate and transfer it to the METH Bank. The generated tokens do not accumulate.
Holders must visit the ‘My Collection’ page daily at bullsandapesproject.com to harvest METH tokens. Once on this page, click ‘Harvest all METH’ to initiate the transfer of your NFT-generated METH to the METH bank. Holders may complete this process only once per day.
Tokens are available for transfer to wallets at any time. Applicable gas fees apply to transfer transactions. Only METH harvested by the current holder is available for claim.

NFT Leveling Up
Each NFT begins the harvesting process at Level 1 and generates one METH token daily. Holders should harvest the token each day. Once they complete the harvest process for seven (7) consecutive days, the NFT elevates to Level 2.

Once the NFT reaches Level 2, the harvesting process can repeat for the next seven (7) consecutive days. Following this second week of harvest, the NFT levels up to Level 3, the maximum level.
When NFT’s graduate to the next level, they generate double the number of METH tokens from their previous level.
METH generation levels are as follows:
Level 1 NFT - 1 METH token per day
Level 2 NFT - 2 METH tokens per day
Level 3 NFT - 4 METH tokens per day
NFT’s acquired on the secondary marketplace automatically reset harvesting and METH generation to Level 1. The new holder restarts the harvesting process as described above.

NFT Leveling Down
To maintain progress toward leveling up, holders must harvest METH tokens daily. If the harvest progress is interrupted, the level and progress of all the holder’s NFT’s regress to Level 1. The holder must complete the harvesting process to again rise to higher levels.
Note: The Bulls and Apes Project defines ‘day’ as 00:00 AM CST to 11:59 PM CST.

Consecutive Harvesting Rewards
For every period of 30 consecutive harvesting days, the holder is granted an additional 50 METH tokens as a reward. These tokens are deposited directly into the holder's wallet. Holders must have at least one BOTB NFT in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, BOTB NFT’s can be sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single BOTB NFT is maintained. This reward is unlimited
Note: The Bulls and Apes Project defines ‘day’ as 00:00 AM CST to 11:59 PM CST.

Cumulative Harvesting Rewards
Holders who harvest BOTB NFT generated METH for a cumulative total of 30 days, (not necessarily consecutive), earn a bonus award of 50 METH tokens. Holders must have at least one BOTB NFT in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, BOTB NFT’s can be sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single BOTB NFT is maintained. This reward is a one-time incentive, and like the Consecutive Harvesting Reward, these tokens are added directly to the METH holder’s bank. Token distribution takes place on the 30th day of the harvest.

BOTB “Sets” Bonus
Holding a complete BOTB set (OG Bull, EVO Bull and Bear) earns an additional 3 Meth total bonus per day once the NFT’s reach level 3.
METH generation levels are as follows for each “Set”:
Level 1 Set - 1 METH token per day
Level 2 Set - 2 METH tokens per day
Level 3 Set - 5 METH tokens per day (this bonus is realized for “Sets” only)
NFT’s acquired on the secondary marketplace automatically reset harvesting and METH generation to Level 1. The new holder restarts the harvesting process as described above. If one of the NFT’s of the “Set” is moved to another wallet or sold, all remaining NFT’s will revert back to a level 3, 4 METH per day generation.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I incur gas fees for harvesting METH each day?
Will I incur gas fees when I claim METH tokens from the METH bank?
What happens to the METH I’ve harvested if I sell my NFT?
What happens to the NFT METH if I miss a harvest day?
Can I hold NFT’s of different levels in the same wallet?
What happens to a NFT’s Level if I transfer it from one wallet to another?
Are consecutive and cumulative METH rewards granted per NFT or wallet?
Am I eligible for cumulative and consecutive harvesting rewards if I harvest consecutively for 60 days?
Tokenized Communities METH Generation
NFT METH Harvest
All Tokenized Project NFT’s generate METH tokens daily. The number of tokens each NFT generates depends on the NFT’s level. Each day, holders must harvest the METH their NFT’s generate. The generated tokens do not accumulate.
Holders must visit the ‘My Collection’ page daily at bullsandapesproject.com to harvest METH tokens. Once on this page, click ‘Harvest all METH’ to initiate the transfer of your NFT-generated METH to the METH bank. Holders may complete this process only once per day.
Tokens are available for transfer to wallets at any time. Applicable gas fees apply to transfer transactions. Only METH harvested by the current holder is available for claim.

NFT Leveling Up
Each NFT begins the harvesting process at Level 1 and generates one METH token daily. Holders should harvest the token each day. Once they complete the harvest process for seven (7) consecutive days, the NFT elevates to Level 2.

Once the NFT reaches Level 2, the harvesting process can repeat for the next seven (7) consecutive days. Following this second week of harvest, the NFT levels up to Level 3, the maximum level.
When NFT’s graduate to the next level, they generate one more additional METH token from their previous level.
METH generation levels are as follows:
- Level 1 NFT - 1 METH token per day
- Level 2 NFT - 2 METH tokens per day
- Level 3 NFT - 3 METH tokens per day
NFT’s acquired on the secondary marketplace automatically reset harvesting and METH generation to Level 1. The new holder restarts the harvesting process as described above.

NFT Leveling Down
To maintain progress toward leveling up, holders must harvest METH tokens daily. If the harvest progress is interrupted, the level and progress of all the holder’s NFT’s regress to Level 1. The holder must complete the harvesting process to again rise to higher levels.
Note: The Bulls and Apes Project defines ‘day’ as 00:00 AM CST to 11:59 PM CST.

Cumulative Harvesting Rewards
Holders who harvest NFT generated METH specific to the Tokenized project for a cumulative total of 30 days, (not necessarily consecutive), earn a bonus award of 50 METH tokens. Holders must have at least one NFT of that specific project in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, NFT’s can be sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single NFT is maintained. This reward is a one-time incentive, and like the Consecutive Harvesting Reward, these tokens are added directly to the METH holder’s bank. Token distribution takes place on the 30th day of the harvest.

Consecutive Harvesting Rewards
For every period of 30 consecutive harvesting days, the holder is granted an additional 50 METH tokens as a reward. These tokens are deposited directly into the holder's wallet. Holders must have at least one of the NFT’s specific to the Tokenized project in their wallet at all times to earn this reward, NFT’s can be sold or traded and it will not affect the reward as long as a single NFT of that project is maintained. This reward is unlimited.
Note: The Bulls and Apes Project defines ‘day’ as 00:00 AM CST to 11:59 PM CST.

Community Tokenization Guardrails
To fuel growth and ensure the sustainability of the B.A.P. ecosystem we have implemented certain guardrails for harvesting Tokenized Community assets.
Holders of 1 or more B.A.P. or BOTB assets are able to harvest additional Tokenized Community assets.
How It Works
50 - God Bulls
25 - BAP OG Bull
10 - Ape/BOTB OG
5 - Teen/BOTB Evo/Bear
Hold: 1 BAP OG and 2 BOTB EVO
Harvest: 25 + 5 + 5 = 35

Will I incur gas fees for harvesting METH each day?
Will I incur gas fees when I claim METH tokens from the METH bank?
What happens to the METH I’ve harvested if I sell my NFT?
What happens to the NFT METH if I miss a harvest day?
Can I hold NFT’s of different levels in the same wallet?
What happens to a NFT’s Level if I transfer it from one wallet to another?
Are consecutive and cumulative METH rewards granted per NFT or wallet?
Am I eligible for cumulative and consecutive harvesting rewards if I harvest consecutively for 60 days?
Ape METH Utility
Dynamic B.A.P. APE NFT
The B.A.P. Ape NFT is a fully dynamic PFP with a total of 17 traits, 14 of those traits are optional. The following three traits are immutable.
- The Ape Guild
- The Ape Gender
- A B.A.P. Identification Number (This number will be assigned at the time of mint and will remain with the Ape during all of its new iterations)
The 14 optional traits can be equipped and unequipped from the Ape. Each trait is represented as an independent NFT when it is not equipped to an ape. These NFT’s can be reused an unlimited number of times and can be moved from one wallet to another, traded or sold.
The following 5 traits must be equipped on an Ape at all times. Apes with only these 5 traits would be considered a 7 trait “Naked” Ape
- Background
- Body - Fur or Skin type
- Expression
- Eye Color
- Skin Tone

Ape Multiplier
All B.A.P. Ape NFT’s, when paired with one of the following NFT’s, will multiply their METH generation.
- B.A.P. OG Bulls will generate 40 METH per day
- B.A.P. Teen (not affected by a meth machine) will generate 2, 6, or 10 METH per day depending on its level
- B.A.P. Teen that is resurrected will generate 14 METH per day
- Bulls on the Block OG, EVO or Bear will generate 2, 4, or 8 METH per day depending on their level
- All tokenized community NFT’s will generate 2, 4, or 6 METH per day depending on their level.
Each NFT that is paired with an Ape still earns Meth as it did before. But after pairing, that Meth generation is multiplied by 100%
Each day, holders must harvest the METH their B.A.P. Teens, BOTB OG’s, EVO’s or Bears and the tokenized community NFT’s generate. The generated tokens do not accumulate.
The OG Bull and resurrected teen generated METH will still accumulate.
Only one ape can be paired to any NFT and must be chosen to initiate multiplied METH generation. If the Ape or paired NFT is sold or moved from the wallet the Ape will no longer provide any METH multiplication until a new NFT is chosen and paired to the Ape.
Holders must visit the ‘My Collection’ page daily at bullsandapesproject.com to harvest METH tokens from NFT’s that require daily harvesting. Once on this page, click ‘Harvest all METH’ to initiate the transfer of your NFT-generated METH to the METH bank. Holders may complete this process only once per day.
Tokens are available for transfer to wallets at any time. Applicable gas fees apply to transfer transactions. Only METH harvested by the current holder is available for claim.

Ape Loot Box Utility
The B.A.P. Ape NFT will be minted either as a “Naked” Ape or in “Warrior” or “Scavenger” costumes. Traits that are similar to the OG Bulls and Teens or are new and unique to the Apes will be available through a “Loot Box” gamification process. These “Loot Boxes” are opened and a trait NFT is randomly drawn and dropped into the corresponding wallet. The cost for these Loot Boxes are as follows.
- Common - 600 METH (starting price)
- Epic - 0.10 Ethereum (starting price)
- Legendary - 0.25 Ethereum (starting price)
The pricing for the Loot Boxes is “Dynamic” and will move up and down from the starting price based on its demand (the frequency of its opening). Pricing for each Loot Box will be locked for the first 30 days during the “Ape Acclimation Period”.
You must have an Ape in your wallet to open Loot Boxes.
After you have claimed your trait, you can choose to reopen each box for an additional cost as follows
- Common
- first additional opening for 1.5X the initial box opening
- second additional opening for 2X the initial box opening
For the “Common Loot Box” this opportunity will be available for only one minute after you claim your initial Trait. After one minute, you will need to wait for the Ape power to reach 100% before again opening the Loot Box to claim a Trait.
For the “Epic and Legendary Loot Boxes” this discount will be available for only one minute after you claim your initial Trait. After one minute any opening of the Box will be at the Boxes current Dynamic rate.

Ape Power For Common Box Opening
During the first 30 days (The Ape Acclimation Period) the Apes can open a “Common Loot Box” every 7 days.
After the first 30 days Ape’s accumulate power every hour based on their TraitRanks ranking. Holders can track power generation through our website. The highest ranked Ape reaches 100% of its power in 1 day (24 hours) while the lowest ranked Ape reaches 100% power level in 7 Days. The rest of the Ape’s reach their max power level anywhere between 1 to 7 days based on their rankings in this formula. Any ranking change during the power bar generation period will not affect that period until a Common Loot Box is opened. At that time the power Bar recharge time will be reset based on that Apes current ranking.

The Configurator
Check out this Explainer Style Walk-Through to see exactly how to use The Configurator to equip, de-equip, design and mint your custom Ape PFP.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I incur gas fees for harvesting METH each day?
Will I incur gas fees when I claim METH tokens from the METH bank?
What happens to the METH I’ve harvested if I sell my NFT?
What happens to the NFT’s METH if I miss a harvest day for any NFT that needs to be harvested daily?
What happens to the Ape multiplier if I transfer or sell my ape or paired nFT?
What happens to a NFT’s Level if I transfer it from one wallet to another?
Can you multiply one or more assets within a set?
Will you still receive a set bonus if one or more assets are multiplied?
If I pair an OG Bull or Resurrected Teen with an Ape do I need to harvest Meth daily?
Apes Questions
How does rarity work with Apes?
Where can I check rarity of my Apes?
Where can I check rarity of my Apes?
Does owning an Ape get you access to the Inner Circle?
Dynamic NFT & Traits Questions
What is a Dynamic NFT?
Are all traits going to be available with the newly-minted apes?
How do I acquire new traits?
What is the pricing for the lootboxes?
What will I be able to do with the traits that come with my ape?
What traits will be changeable?
Are all traits sellable and tradeable?
Can I sell the ape with all traits on it?
Do I get to keep the traits if I unequip it from an ape?
Are traits interchangeable between males and females?
Can I choose the trait I'm buying in the loot boxes?
How many Traits are there for the apes?
Will I be able to see how many of each trait are available to mint?
What is the God Ape Quest?
The God Ape Quest (GAQ) is the newest version of our gamified tokenomics ecosystem, offering a unique NFT experience to our community.
The GAQ is a campaign in which B.A.P. holders will use their assets to complete tasks on the road to minting a God Ape. The GAQ consists of six phases, each lasting three weeks (with community unlocks available to expedite each phase)
A variety of tactics will be required to navigate the entire campaign including but not limited to:
METH spending
Loot Box Opening
Trait Burning
Asset Accumulation
Quest Map (updated regularly)

Why Should I Participate?
The GAQ is the second iteration of our gamified tokenomics ecosystem. The First took place over the Summer/Fall of 2022 in which the community used assets their BAP NFTs accumulated to complete a path to mint God Bulls. This was an incredibly successful campaign that not only led to the creation of 500 God Bulls (Current floor 2+ETH, ATH 10ETH) but also to our Teen and Utility collections. Participation led to the creation of a large variety of assets for our community to accumulate. This next iteration is God Bull tokenomics on steroids!
How to Get Started:
Ready to jump in and join the fun? Great! Read our guide or watch the walkthrough with Tankman here.
The game begins on the God Ape Quest home page. This page hosts our Quest Map & Community Unlock gauge and will be expanded in the future to include some additional data and info as needed.
- Click link to begin your quest. You will be greeted with an intro video providing some context to the quest and B.A.P. Lore.
- You’ll be asked to decide if you want to join Team Ava or Team Vyl. This decision will impact which path you will follow through the quest. Both paths have the same essential requirements and will have equal levels of difficulty.
- After choosing your team, Begin God Ape Quest!
- The phase requirements (seen on the Quest Map) will take place on the God Ape Quest tab on the Formulas page
Explain Formulas!
Formulas are the central activity throughout the GAQ in which multiple ingredients will be combined to create a new asset. Every formula will require at least 1 forge block. Ingredients would include additional traits as well as $METH
For Example:

To complete a GAQ Formula:
Select the Forged Trait you would like to create. The full formula with required ingredients will appear on the right side of the screen.

Click “Select Trait” to reveal the traits you have in your wallet that match the ingredient requirements (listed at the bottom, ie. Rarity: OG Mint or Forged Trait- see Terminology for definitions of these traits)
To complete the formula you will need all required ingredients, including the METH and Forge Blocks necessary. Visit the Formulas Blog for more detail.
If you haven't created a Forge Block yet, click the Create Forge Block link. Visit Forge Block Blog for more detail.
Phase 1 includes 2 Formulas. The Forged Traits from these Formulas must be completed in order to complete the phase and advance to Phase 2.
Phase 1 Walkthrough with Tankman
GAQ Terminology:
Achievement - Activity based accomplishments that reward participation in our economy, gamification, social media and more that are represented with valuable "Achievement Flags". These flags will be required and may offer certain advantages in the GAQ gameplay.
Community Unlock - The ability for the community as a whole to unlock the next phase of GAQ gameplay by completing a predetermined requirement or set of requirements
Forge Block- An NFT that is required for every formula, create a forge block by burning any trait here (link to page)
Forged Trait - Any trait created using a standalone or game formula
Formula - Asset based activity in which multiple ingredients will be combined to create a new asset, a “Forged Trait”. Every formula will require at least 1 forge block. Ingredients would include additional traits as well as $METH
God Ape Quest Game Page - The area of the Formulas page in which the tasks and phases of the GAQ can be executed. Found at https://mint.bullsandapesproject.com/formulas#god_ape_quest
God Ape Quest (GAQ) - The gamified campaign in which B.A.P. holders use their assets to complete tasks on the road to minting a God Ape
God Ape Quest Page - The “home base” for GAQ gameplay. Found at https://mint.bullsandapesproject.com/god-ape-quest
Map Legend - Located on the Quest Map, the legend shows the previously shared requirements needed throughout the GAQ.
OG Trait - Any trait available on an Ape during the original mint
Path- The GAQ begins with a decision! Team Ava or Team Vyl?? This decision will determine your path.
Phase - The individual levels of the GAQ. Each phase will have different tasks/requirements. Phases will be time locked at a set duration of 3 weeks which can be expedited by Community Unlocks
Phase 1- The opening phase of the GAQ. Phase 1 will require the user to complete 2 different formulas. The forged traits created in these formulas will be required in Phase 2 of the GAQ as seen on the Quest Map.
Quest Map - The visual overview for the entire GAQ. The map will be updated to include more information as the community reveals different assets and unlocks phases. The updates to the Map may be unannounced so checking the map frequently is recommended.
Standalone Formula - Any formula that is not specific to the GAQ. Standalone formulas will be released weekly, will feature previously unreleased traits, and will have a variety of different requirements and levels of difficulty. Some standalone formulas will be required in the GAQ gameplay.
Tankenomics - The B.A.P. Twitter Space for all things GAQ, Tokenomics, Strategy, Alpha and more. Tuesdays 8pm CST